Collection: Hakuto Sake Brewery

Japanese name: 白藤酒造店

Brand name: Okunoto no Shiragiku

Noto is the name of the region where Hakuto Sake Brewery is located.
The name "Shiragiku" is derived from "Chrysanthemum Sake," which was prized for its effectiveness in ward off bad luck during the Chrysanthemum Festival on September 9 (Chou-you) on the ancient Japanese calendar.

From: Ishikawa prefecture

Founded in: mid-nineteenth century

Hakuto is a small family-run business, where the husband is the current head brewer (toji) and the wife is responsible for the delicate job of koji making. It was founded in 1722 as a shipping agent, but started brewing sake from the end of the Tokugawa period (1600-1868). The brewery is nestled on the northern edge of the Noto peninsula; in March 2007 a strong earthquake that hit the area destroyed it almost completely, but thanks to the resilience of the brewers it was built back within the same year.